Wednesday, May 4, 2011

water diet

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Star of Wonder

Star of wonder in the Heavens, wonder what you want of me. Should I follow you tonight? I am just a lowly shepherd watching from a distant hill. Why do you appear to me? In the morning they'll come looking for the shepherd on the hill. What would make her leave her flock for surely she must love them still? Star of wonder in the Heavens, are you just a shining star or should I follow you tonight? Star of wonder, shining bright.

Tomorrow morning I will wake up and go outside and play with my dog and my brother and enjoy the snow the sky laid on the ground. When I go back to school, I will focus on my work and enjoy the beauty of the weather after. When Spring comes, I will wake up early and take walks while the sun rises in the morning.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


It's almost weird, how good it feels to talk to old friends, especially after an extended period of stressful times.

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's funny.

"It's funny, man, you know, we love music so much and we jam together and that's how we learn a lot of things, and then we all go to music school and we learn more things, but we forget to jam, you know?"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

oo-wee-oo, I look just like Buddy Holly

I'm trying something new today.
Smile at everybody. The worst they can do is not smile back, but for real, who frowns when they're smiled at?
Surround yourself with things and people that make you happy. If something in your life brings you down, shake it off and out of your life.
Talk to strangers, be friendly with acquaintances. Kindness goes farther than you'd think.
There is nothing in the world that Love can't reverse.

Friday, August 20, 2010

everything will probably not be okay.